Elevate new product development and tap into the future of food innovation

Are you ready to take your food and beverage innovation to the next level?

At Nepra Foods, we understand the challenges that come with developing allergen-free specialty products. That’s why we offer specialized product development and formulation assistance to accelerate your journey toward success.

Unleash Your Innovation: Whether you’re launching a brand-new product or giving an existing one a fresh twist, our expert team is here to assist. We provide the technical expertise and a rich partner ecosystem needed to bring your vision to life.

Shorten Timelines: We recognize the importance of speed to market. With Nepra Foods, you can expect shorter development timelines, allowing you to seize opportunities and stay ahead of the competition.

Partner Ecosystem: Access our vast network of resources, ensuring your product is on-trend and in-demand. We bring it all together for you with clear, mutual upfront commitments.

Our collaborative approach

Customize Your Development Strategy

After engaging in an initial consultation and completing our project brief, our team will tailor a comprehensive action plan to assist with your product development needs. This plan outlines your company’s objectives, agreed-upon expenses, deadlines, and project parameters. 

Craft Your Innovative Solution

Our multi-disciplinary team collaborates with you to conceptualize, create, test, and refine your end-product formula. We leverage our veteran team’s formulation expertise and draw from our extensive ingredient portfolio, or we can source additional ingredients from external providers.

Guide You from Launch to Expansion

For a seamless transition from idea to market, our team is dedicated to offering unwavering support. From troubleshooting the production process to identifying suitable sourcing and manufacturing partners for your final product, we’re here to ensure a smooth journey to success.

Let us help kickstart your next creation.